
Bild: D. v. Dressler

10 News - Niedersachsen+Bremen

LROP without bite - no way to less "land consumption

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A sustainability objective which has existed since 2002 and is central to spatial development, namely the setting of a guideline figure for land take, is now being incorporated into Lower Saxony's state planning. However, the sustainability target refers to the "reduction of settlement and transport land". In Lower Saxony, reference is made to the "new sealing of land". However, by changing the reference base to "new sealing" instead of reduction of "settlement and transport area", the guideline size of the sustainability target is considerably (approx. double) exceeded.

pdf The statement of the bdla Niedersachsen+Bremen (334 KB)

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 21. March 2021

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Greenfield" commercial development in Bremen

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Stop land consumption - For sustainable commercial development on less land

A new commercial development programme is currently being drawn up in Bremen. According to the ideas of the leading economic department, further new commercial areas are also being discussed - for example in the Blockland, in the Ochtum lowlands south of the airport, in the Neustädter Hochwasserpolder nature reserve and also in allotment garden areas, for example through the expansion of the Bayernstraße commercial area. A broad alliance of professional associations, including the Landesverband der Gartenfreunde Bremen e.V., Architects for Future Bremen e.V. and the Unternehmensverband Garten -, Landschafts- und Sportplatzbau, categorically rejects the development of new commercial areas "on greenfield sites".

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 12. March 2021

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Study-Up Award - Sponsorship Award of the bdla Lower Saxony Bremen goes to Carolin Kemkes

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Every year, Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences awards prizes for outstanding achievements. In 2020, the bdla Lower Saxony Bremen has for the first time donated a prize for students' final theses in the fields of open space planning (B.Eng.), landscape development (B.Eng.), landscape construction (B.Eng.), landscape architecture (M.Eng.) and landscape construction (M.Eng.) (Bachelor's and Master's theses).

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 12. March 2021

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Re-establishment of the Nds. landscape programme

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After 30 years, a new landscape programme is being drawn up in Lower Saxony. In recent years, the bdla Lower Saxony Bremen has repeatedly urged the updating, with reference to the exemplary function of the state for the regional and municipal levels of landscape planning.

  pdf To the statement (260 KB)

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 19. December 2020

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Conference in Verden - Green infrastructure in urban and rural areas

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Verden was the first location to present innovative examples of green infrastructure. The project [Raum]Gewinn of the Lower Saxony Chamber of Architects, whose central concern was to highlight open space planning in rural areas, was the starting point for this. Successful examples of interdisciplinary planned projects that emerged from competitions or participatory processes were presented, discussed and also visited during a tour of the Aller-Ufer-Park. In addition, experts from administrative practice shed light on the central issues of funding and pointed out ways to use the funding effectively.

The documentation on the event is available pdf in pdf format (3.54 MB) .

The event was organised by the "Green Infrastructure" working group in the Netzwerk Baukultur in Niedersachsen e. V. (Building Culture Network in Lower Saxony).

Members of the working group:

bdla Niedersachsen+Bremen, Chamber of Architects of Lower Saxony, Leibniz University of Hanover, SRL, Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Climate Protection, Lower Saxony Association of Towns and Municipalities, Lower Saxony Association of Cities and Towns, and the Lower Saxony Association of Counties.

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 19. December 2020

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Insect diversity through spatial planning

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The Lower Saxony Ministry for the Environment, Energy, Building and Climate Protection is launching an insect diversity action programme. The state association has taken a stand on the draft and pointed out the importance of all levels of spatial planning for the implementation of effective insect protection. pdf See more... (201 KB)

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 25. October 2020

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Statement on the wind energy decree

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As part of the association's participation, the Lower Saxony Bremen Association commented on the wind energy decree in August 2020. It welcomes the fact that the previous wind energy decree is to be adapted to the factual and legal situation, which has changed in the meantime, and that it is to be updated on the basis of experience gained in its application.

The complete pdf statement (160 KB) .

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 22. October 2020

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New Board of Directors in the Regional Association Niedersachsen+Bremen

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At this year's general meeting on 29 September 2020, a new board of directors was elected as scheduled.

Gotthard Storz was confirmed in office as chairman of the regional association, as was his deputy Georg Grobmeyer.

Jessica Schütte, office partner of the Freiraumplanung group from Langenhagen, will assume the office of a further deputy chairperson. The group of employees/officials is represented by Gwendolyn Kusters, who works for the city of Garbsen as an open space and object planner and also represents the interests of landscape architects on the board of the Lower Saxony Chamber of Architects.

Gotthard Storz thanked Sabine Scherer and Petra Schoelkopf for their many years of commitment to the board. Both have worked tirelessly for the bdla and the interests of the bdla in various positions since 2010. While Sabine Scherer has represented the employees/civil servants on the board from the very beginning and has accompanied the Lower Saxony competition "Unser Dorf hat Zukunft" (Our Village has a Future) with great commitment on the jury during this time, Petra Schoelkopf has worked on the board first as an advisory member and then as deputy chair from 2012. For the state association, she also provided significant advice and active support to the planners' deck of the Chamber of Architects. In the federal association, her ideas and knowledge were in demand in the public relations working group, where she was particularly involved in setting up the online format "Landschaftsarchitektur heute" (Landscape Architecture Today) and designing the bdla homepage. She will continue her honorary work in the working group public relations.

Kerstin Liesecke was re-elected for a period of two years for the office of the cash auditor.

The board and management were discharged and the budget for 2020 was adopted. Gotthard Storz particularly addressed the cooperation with the chamber, the promotion of young people, the use of digital media at the next events and the continuation of the topic "Green infrastructure in town and country". For this purpose, an informative and diverse event took place in Verden directly before the general meeting, which the bdla N B significantly contributed to within the framework of its membership in the network Baukultur in Niedersachsen.

The detailed minutes of the members' meeting will soon be available in the protected members' area.

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 30. September 2020

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Draft law inadequate

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Statement on the amendment of the Lower Saxony Architects' Act, the Lower Saxony Engineers' Act and the Lower Saxony Building Regulations within the framework of association participation

The bdla regional association of Lower Saxony Bremen has commented on the draft as part of the association's participation. The statement deals in particular with § 6 NArchtG and here the increase of the standard duration of studies for the disciplines of interior architecture, landscape architecture and urban planning as well as § 53 of the NBauO with the demand for equal treatment of landscape architects* compared to the other planning disciplines.

pdf Download statement (239 KB)

Press release "Regulations on design author and minimum study period insufficient".

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 18. August 2020

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green bremen: Urban green is systemically relevant

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The Bündnis Lebenswerte Stadt - grünes Bremen has written a position paper for the consideration of green infrastructure in economic stimulus programmes.

The Corona pandemic shows how important green spaces, parks and allotment gardens are for people in the city. This is confirmed, among other things, by the recently published Google movement data: In Bremen the time spent in parks and green spaces increased by 76% in April in comparison.

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 26. May 2020

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