
20 News - Bayern

bdla specialist seminar "Species protection in the city!" - Munich, April 11

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The topics of biodiversity and species protection have been red-hot at the latest since the petition for a referendum to save biodiversity. The half-day seminar in Munich shows planning measures in the field of urban nature. What landscape architects can do for insects, reptiles, amphibians, birds and small animals in the urban environment will be illuminated by various speakers at the invitation of the bdla Bayern.

News - Bayern · 10. January 2019

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Innovative landscape architecture: bdla Young Talent Award 2018 awarded

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At its meeting in November, the board of bdla Bayern reviewed all the proposals submitted by Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences and the Technical University of Munich and selected the four most innovative final theses of 2018.

News - Bayern · 19. December 2018

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Architect Tours 2019. application deadline 31 January

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Since 1996, Bavaria's largest annual exhibition of Bavarian architecture, the Architektouren, has offered exciting insights into how buildings, open spaces and urban development projects are created.

News - Bayern · 12. December 2018

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Creating Spaces: The Garden of the Year 2018 on TV

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For the exemplary redesign of a private garden in Nuremberg, bdla member Alexander Koch of Koch Koch Landschaftsarchitekten was honoured with the "Garden of the Year 2018" award, which is presented annually by Callwey Verlag and partners.

News - Bayern · 10. December 2018

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bdla general meeting and New Year's reception. Munich, 25 January

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On January 25, 2019, we invite you to the general meeting of bdla Bavaria at the House of Architecture of the Bavarian Chamber of Architects from 13:30.

News - Bayern · 19. November 2018

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Climate Garden Competition for Young Scientists to be Held at the LGS in Kamp-Lintfort 2020

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The regional group North Rhine-Westphalia of the bdla (federation of German landscape architects) accomplishes for years, in the meantime for the ninth time, together with the respective national horticultural show GmbH, a country wide new generation competition for landscape architects/inside.

News - Bayern · 28. October 2018

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Conference Sustainable implementation of the energy transition. Weihenstephan, 26 November

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The interventions that are necessary to implement the energy turnaround raise conflicts with nature conservation, since the carriers of renewable energies (wind energy, biogas plants) require an impairment of natural assets, especially species/habitat communities and the landscape.

News - Bayern · 04. October 2018

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Compact seminar for landscape architects. Munich, November 15

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"The bdla-legal adviser informs".

Date: Thursday, 15 November 2018, 3 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Venue: Conference Centre Kolpinghaus Munich-Central, Adolf-Kolping-Straße 1, Munich

News - Bayern · 01. October 2018

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Seminar "The complete open space design plan". Munich, 22 January

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Compact seminar for landscape architects

News - Bayern · 30. September 2018

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Conference Schlehdorfer Impulse: Land in Sight? 26/27 October

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The German Werkbund in Bavaria and its cooperating partners are intensively dealing with the dramatic social, technical and cultural changes and their effects in town and country.

News - Bayern · 16. September 2018

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State election 2018. election touchstones

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The Bavarian Chamber of Architects has asked the political parties that are likely to enter the state parliament (in alphabetical order: AfD, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, CSU, Die Linke, FDP, Freie Wähler, SPD) to take a position on the 2018 state elections and to comment on relevant topics.

and to take a stand on relevant topics.

News - Bayern · 12. September 2018

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Training on awarding contracts with the e-tendering system of Staatsanzeiger Online Logistik. Munich, November 8

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The electronic award of construction contracts has been steadily increasing for years. According to the legal requirements, building owners must be able to allow electronic bidding from October 2018.

News - Bayern · 07. September 2018

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bdla colleague meeting. Munich, 18 September

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Guided tour Mittlerer Ring / Heckenstallerpark

News - Bayern · 06. September 2018

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Conference 100 Places:M. Munich, 11/12 October

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100 Places:M
Designing Urban Natures-Cultures. Designing Urban Natures-Cultures

News - Bayern · 02. September 2018

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Architects, not architecture. Munich, October 17

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Munich Edition 03

News - Bayern · 01. September 2018

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State Garden Show Symposium. Würzburg, September 20

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Enough is never enough - on green in the city. What will we do in our cities tomorrow?

News - Bayern · 20. August 2018

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Symposium Future Urban Green! Würzburg, 24 September 2018

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Perspectives for climate-safe and green cities in the context of urban redensification

News - Bayern · 20. August 2018

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Guide to barrier-free building - 03 Public transport and open space published

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The guideline, part 3 to DIN 18040 has been published in the meantime.

News - Bayern · 10. August 2018

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Forum Grünes Bauen Bayern: Städtebau - Innenentwicklung - Baukultur. Würzburg, 25 September

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Within the framework of the Forum Grünes Bauen Bayern (Green Building Forum Bavaria), numerous professional associations provide information on current topics several times a year.

News - Bayern · 10. August 2018

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Landscape architects bdla at GaLaBau 2018. Nuremberg, 14 September

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Under the title "Stars of the South", five Bavarian bdla offices will be presenting innovative landscape architecture projects at the GaLaBau trade fair in Nuremberg on Friday, 14 September.

News - Bayern · 01. August 2018

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