
20 News - Bayern

Review - Summer party bdla Bavaria. Munich, 20 July 2018

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On Friday, 20.7. we again spent - in the now familiar format and at the usual place - a wonderful evening in the circle of colleagues.

News - Bayern · 08. July 2018

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Accessibility in outdoor spaces: debate by Christine Degenhart / Oswald Utz

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Since 2013, the Bavarian State Government has been working intensively to advance the issue of accessibility, with a particular focus on mobility, education and state buildings that are accessible to the public.

News - Bayern · 08. June 2018

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bdla construction meeting 2018. GaLaBau, 13 September

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As part of GaLaBau 2018, International Trade Fair Urban Green and Open Spaces, the bdla in cooperation with the Federal Association of Garden, Landscape and Sports Ground Construction BGL invites you to the bdla Construction Conference on Thursday, 13 September 2018.

News - Bayern · 07. June 2018

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Landscape Architecture Day. Freising, July 6, 2018

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On Friday, July 6, 2018, the annual Landscape Architecture Day will once again take place at Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences.

News - Bayern · 07. June 2018

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The Better LEP Initiative: Memorandum

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With the initiative "The better LEP for Bavaria", leading professional organisations and associations demand a consistent rethinking and further development of regional planning.At the press conference on 7 June 2018, the current memorandum was published, which you can find here: Initiative "The better LEP for Bavaria" - Memorandum

News - Bayern · 07. June 2018

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Architect Tours 2018. 23rd / 24th June, Bavaria-wide

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New showcase projects will open their doors across Bavaria on 23 and 24 June 2018.

News - Bayern · 12. May 2018

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Landscape for the city. Exhibition by Hansjakob Landscape Architects

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An exhibition of a very special kind is on show at the Architekturmuseum Schwaben in Augsburg until 19 August: "Landscape for the City".

News - Bayern · 09. May 2018

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Register now for the specialist course on environmental construction supervision 2018 in Munich

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A few free places are still available on the UBB course 2018. The bdla and the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences, Department of Landscape Planning, have established the extra-occupational qualification Environmental Construction Management.

News - Bayern · 03. May 2018

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Press conference of the initiative "The better LEP for Bavaria". Munich, June 7

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Initiative "The better LEP for Bavaria" - Bavaria, from the head back to the feet!

News - Bayern · 30. April 2018

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State Garden Show Würzburg opened

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How do we want to live? How do we reconcile work, research, living and recreation in the future? How can we think of nature with expansion? Urbanization with ecology? Is change the new green?

News - Bayern · 12. April 2018

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Save the date: Summer party of bdla Bavaria, 20 July 2018

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The summer celebration of the bdla Bavaria takes place this year on Friday, 20 July, as usual in the Vorhoelzer forum in Munich.

News - Bayern · 12. April 2018

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Referendum on stemming the tide of concrete

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In the current petition for a referendum "Damit Bayern Heimat bleibt - Betonflut eindämmen" ("So that Bavaria remains a home - stem the concrete flood"), a broad-based group of sponsors and supporters from associations and parties is calling for the consumption of land in Bavaria to be reduced by law from the current level of approx. 13 hectares per day to 5 hectares per day, in order to protect nature, the countryside and agricultural land and thus the basis of life, and to strengthen inner cities.

News - Bayern · 05. April 2018

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Award for Building Culture of the Munich Metropolitan Region 2018

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On 21 March, the awards of the 2018 Munich Metropolitan Region Building Culture Prize were presented at a ceremony at the Haus der Architektur in Munich.

News - Bayern · 22. March 2018

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Symposium "Accessibility in outdoor spaces". Munich, 28 June 2018

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Since 2013, the Bavarian State Government has been working intensively to advance the issue of accessibility, with a particular focus on mobility, education and state buildings that are accessible to the public.

News - Bayern · 14. March 2018

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bdla Young Talent Award 2017: The Winners

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Every year, the bdla Bavaria awards the best of the best with the Young Talent Award.

News - Bayern · 20. February 2018

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Regional Conference on Standardization. Munich, 19 March 2018

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The full-day specialist event offers insights and outlooks into standardization - nationwide, cross-sectional and interdisciplinary.

News - Bayern · 10. February 2018

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Kinder-Gärten: a film of the bdla Saxony

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A new short film vividly shows the transformation of aging open spaces for day-care centres into lively play areas that can be used in a variety of ways, using the example of three day-care centres in Dresden and Chemnitz.

News - Bayern · 05. February 2018

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Non-compliant competition and award procedures. An appeal of the bdla Bavaria

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Dear members of the bdla,

News - Bayern · 05. February 2018

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Kinder-Gärten: a film of the bdla Saxony

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A new short film vividly illustrates the transformation of aging daycare open spaces into vibrant, multi-use play spaces, using three kindergartens in Dresden and Chemnitz as examples.

News - Bayern · 05. February 2018

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News from Bavaria: Newsletter February 2018

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The newsletter of the bdla Bavaria informs members regularly about important events, new publications and laws, working aids, job offers and much more.

News - Bayern · 01. February 2018

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