
20 News - Bayern

State development program: State government fails to address challenges for Bavaria

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Experts and broad initiative criticize: Revision of the state development program by the state government misses the challenges for Bavaria. What is needed is a complete reboot of state planning.

News - Bayern · 05. December 2022

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Bavarian Landscape Architecture Award 2022 for Prinz Eugen Park in Munich

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bdla Bavaria awards one first prize and five awards

The competition for the second Bavarian Landscape Architecture Award has been decided.

In the presence of numerous colleagues and guests from politics, administration and the planning and construction industry, the Association of German Landscape Architects (bdla) in Bavaria announced and honored the winners at the award ceremony in Munich on Friday, November 11, 2022.

News - Bayern · 14. November 2022

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How will landscape architects work tomorrow? The big survey of Garten Landschaft

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Until December 5, the next generation of planners had the opportunity to tell us how they want to work in the future.

What are their expectations in terms of employer, salary and working hours? And what responsibilities do they want to take on?

Garten Landschaft will publish the results in the January 2023 issue.

News - Bayern · 10. November 2022

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LAwalks #03: Guided tour Perlach Plaza, November 24

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For the third edition of LAwalks on November 24, 2022, we were able to get several offices to give us an insight into the latest developments around Perlach Plaza in Munich: Landscape architects Brandhof Voß will report on the urban development, grabner huber lipp landschaftsarchitekten und stadtplaner will explain their design for the Perlach Plaza project, supported by BL9 Landschaftsarchitekten (insights into the construction process). Since it will already be dark at the time of the tour, we want to pay special attention to the lighting design, which Hans Lichtl (HL Lichttechnik) will explain to us. In addition to our members, all colleagues and interested parties are of course welcome.

News - Bayern · 02. November 2022

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Award ceremony Bavarian Landscape Architecture Prize 2022. Munich, November 11.

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The festive award ceremony will take place on Friday, November 11, 2022 from 18:00 in Munich. Admission is free, guests are welcome! Registration is required.

News - Bayern · 17. October 2022

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AG Climate Protection: Dates Autumn / Winter 2022

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The Climate Protection WG invites all interested parties to three new WG meetings: One meets again on 18 October, on 15 November as well as on 06 December. The dates take place in each case on-line and begin at 18:00 o'clock. Registrations are possible over Markus shepherd, leader of the AG under This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

You can find out more about the main topics on the WG page.

News - Bayern · 11. October 2022

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Schlehdorfer Impulse 2022 - Places with Energy. October 14/15

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The Werkbund Bayern and the Schlehdorfer Impulse are going on a trip, this time to Furth and to Vatersdorf, both near Landshut. Coping with the Corona pandemic and the worsening environmental and energy crisis present us with ever greater challenges, but also offer new opportunities.

Schlehdorfer Impulse 2022 is intended to show how municipalities, communities and companies are dealing with these challenges in concrete terms. All the examples presented show that a bundle of measures is always necessary and that committed local actors are needed to initiate and carry forward this process.

News - Bayern · 28. September 2022

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1st Bavarian Landscape Summit. Munich / hybrid, October 10, 2022

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The First Bavarian Landscape Summit on Monday, October 10, 2022 is dedicated to the central questions surrounding the Bavarian landscape. What should it look like in the future? How much leverage do we actually have in the face of ongoing land pressure, the global biodiversity crisis and the climate crisis?
How can municipal landscape planning, which was only recently strengthened by the Insect Protection Amendment, help us move forward in solving these multiple problems? Does landscape planning need to fundamentally change for this to happen?

News - Bayern · 20. September 2022

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Symposium Sustainability and Climate Adaptation in Landscape Architecture. October 7, 2022

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The AG Klimaschutz of the bdla Bavaria organizes on 07.10.2022 a symposium on sustainability and climate adaptation in landscape architecture - Current status quo and goals of further development.

The conference will take place in hybrid form: live at FRANZI - a MUCBOOK CLUBHAUS in Munich, alternatively participation via zoom is possible.

News - Bayern · 08. September 2022

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Book tip GREEN. Günther Grzimek: Planning - Design - Programs

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The Olympic Park in Munich is one of his best-known projects, and his entire oeuvre is trend-setting and timeless: the landscape architect Günther Grzimek (1915 - 1996) was committed to a new form of urban green in Germany, namely a "democratic green". At the same time, he advocated for a practice-oriented education in landscape architecture.

Grzimek's biography is a source of numerous discoveries, leading through West German history, as well as through his "collaborations" with renowned architects, urban planners, and designers, including Otl Aicher, who developed the basic design for this publication together with Grzimek in the 1980s. With plans, images, texts, and original quotations, the volume opens up a new perspective on this outstanding teacher and illuminates the turbulent history of landscape architecture in Germany from the 1930s in Berlin to the 1990s in Munich.

News - Bayern · 30. August 2022

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Bavarian Landscape Architecture Award: Videos of the nominees

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All projects nominated in the five categories and for the main prize of the Bavarian Landscape Architecture Award 2022 can be found at Garten Landschaft, media partner of the competition.

News - Bayern · 28. August 2022

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LAwalks #02: Guided tour Westpark Augsburg, September 15

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For the second edition of LAwalks, the bdla Bavaria could win Irene Lohaus from the office Lohaus - Carl - Köhlmos landscape architects and urban planners from Hanover to give an insight into the project Westpark Augsburg. The tour will take place on Thursday, September 15, 2022, starting at 17:00. In addition to our members, all colleagues and interested parties are of course welcome.

News - Bayern · 24. August 2022

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LAwalks #01: Video of the guided tour Baumkirchen Mitte

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In the new series LAwalks, bdla Bayern organizes guided tours of landscape architecture projects in Bavaria. Issue #01 took the multiple award-winning project Baumkirchen Mitte in Munich by mahl gebhard konzepte (plan author) under the microscope.

News - Bayern · 19. July 2022

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Minimum distances of wind energy plants: Statement on the planned amendment of the BayBO

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The bdla Bavaria has taken a position on the law to amend the Bavarian Building Code regarding the minimum distances of wind energy plants in the context of the association hearing of the Bavarian State Ministry for Housing, Construction and Transport.

The full text of the statement can be found pdf here (61 KB) .

News - Bayern · 15. July 2022

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Advanced training series 2022: New tasks in open space planning

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In June / July 2022, the digital training series of the bdla Bavaria turns to the new tasks in open space planning. The date on July 26 (inclusion) unfortunately has to be postponed due to illness, an alternative date is being planned.

News - Bayern · 05. July 2022

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LAwalks: Guided tour Baumkirchen center, July 14

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The bdla Bavaria revives the colleague meeting originally initiated and organized by Markus Schaef under the name LAwalks.

In the first edition, we take a look together at the Baumkirchen Mitte project in Munich. Johannes Kruck and Cyril Dejonghe from the office mahl-gebhard-konzepte will guide through the area and give an insight into the planning and implementation of the multiple award-winning project (main prize Bavarian Landscape Architecture Award 2020 as well as award in the category residential environment; award in the category landscape and environmental planning / landscape experience at the German Landscape Architecture Award 2021).

News - Bayern · 05. July 2022

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Bavarian Landscape Architecture Award 2022: Vote now!

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As a member of bdla Bavaria, you can vote for the winners of the Bavarian Landscape Architecture Award 2022 until August 12, 2022.

You can find an overview of the nominated works here, and photos of the tour of the projects by an independent specialist journalist there.

To the voting

News - Bayern · 04. July 2022

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WGs Landscape, City Climate: Invitation to Workshop Meeting, July 20.

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Since 2019, bdla Bavaria has maintained several working groups that address the various challenges facing the profession. For example, the AG Landschaftsentwickung, with which an exciting project was successfully launched in the previous term of office: Landscape Plan Municipal Innovative.

In order to define goals for the period 2022 -2024, the newly elected board invites the members of bdla Bavaria to discuss which tasks the future AG Stadt und Land should tackle and which intersections there are with the existing AG Klimaschutz.

News - Bayern · 03. July 2022

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Bavarian Landscape Architecture Award 2022: The Nominees

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The works nominated by the jury for the five submission categories and the Bavarian Landscape Architecture Award 2022 can be found here.

News - Bayern · 24. June 2022

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Architecture Week A7. Munich, from June 25, 2022

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The seventh Architecture Week (A7) will occupy Munich's urban space and locations in the region with small and large events, interventions and actions.

For the seventh time, the Association of German Architects (BDA) is organizing an architecture week dedicated to "city life" from June 25 to July 1, 2022 - and thus to the question of how our relationship and awareness of the private and public space of the city has changed. As a cooperation partner, bdla Bavaria will be represented with its own program items.

News - Bayern · 17. June 2022

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